Exploring the Natural Lifestyle

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  • Can't Skip Your Morning Tea? Here are 5 Ways to Make Indian Chai HEALTHIER !

    For many Indians, waking up to the smell of chai is more than just a morning routine. It's a tradition that binds generations, a moment of peace before the day's hustle begins, and a cherished start to each day.

    However, with the recent developments in medical science, Indian tea has been a cause of continuous debate. But as they say old habits die hard - and for Indians, Chai is not a food it's an emotion. And an emotion isn't something we would like to play with.


  • "Ceylon Cinnamon Tea: A Rich History and Health Benefits"

    This blog explores the rich history and health benefits of Ceylon cinnamon tea, a flavorful and aromatic tea made from the bark of the Cinnamomum verum plant. Ceylon cinnamon has been used for thousands of years as a spice and medicine, and has many health benefits including anti-inflammatory properties, blood sugar regulation, antioxidant properties, digestive health, and heart health. The blog also provides tips on how to brew the perfect cup of Ceylon cinnamon tea.

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  • Ceylon Cinnamon vs Cassia (Chinese Cinnamon)

    This blog discusses the key differences between Ceylon cinnamon and cassia cinnamon, two commonly used types of cinnamon. Ceylon cinnamon is the more expensive of the two and has a delicate and sweet flavor, while cassia cinnamon has a stronger and more pungent flavor. Ceylon cinnamon is also considered to be of higher quality and contains lower levels of coumarin, a substance that can cause liver damage in high doses. Additionally, Ceylon cinnamon has higher levels of antioxidants, making it a healthier option. Despite being more expensive, Ceylon cinnamon is worth the extra cost for those who want to enjoy its superior taste and health benefits.

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